- 6-7 November 2024, ‘Digitising European Minority Heritage: The Case of Yiddish’, International Conference European Cultural Memory in its Digitalization - Inventing Cultural Memory in the 21st Century? (University of Graz).
- 23-25 October 2024, ‘Facing the History Machine: Towards Histories of Digital History’, Revolutionary, disruptive, or just repeating itself? Tracing the History of Digital History (German Historical Institute, Paris).
- 9-11 October 2024, ‘Framing Histories of Digital History’, part of panel Histories of Digital History: An Integral Part of the History of the Humanities?, Making of the Humanities XI (Lund University).
- 12 September 2024, Keynote lecture ‘When Literacy Goes Digital: Rethinking the Ethics and Politics of Digitisation’ at Digital History Switzerland 2024. See abstract.
- 22-24 August 2024, ‘Digital Archival Literacy and Historical Research Practices: An Interactive Panel Discussion on History, Technology, and the Transformation of the Archive’, Historicidagen 2024 (Maastricht University).
- 1-4 July 2024, Politics of Digitisation session at the EUROPAST Summer School ‘The Use of Digital Tools and Methods in the Creation, Production, and Analysis of Public History Narratives’ (University of Luxembourg).
- 10-12 April 2024, Roundtable: DHJewish Quo Vadis?, The Value of the Digital. #DHJewish Conference and Hackathon (Potsdam).
- 22-24 November 2023, ‘Probing the Impact of Technology in Historical Research: The Role of Transnational Networks’, History of Knowledge Conference – Uporto 2023 (University of Porto).
- 18 October 2023, ‘Workshop: An Introduction to the Theory and Methods of Data Driven Research’, EUROPAST workshop (Lund University).
- 10 October 2023, ‘Uncovering digital history’s forgotten roots: The Association for History and Computing’, Digital History Seminar (University of Stockholm).
- 14 September 2023, ‘Digital History and the Politics of Digitisation’, workshop Digital Humanities: Opportunities and Challenges for Historical Research (University of Oslo).
- 6 September 2023, ‘Digital History and the Politics of Digitisation’, Sloane Lab Knowledge Exchange Event ‘Connecting, co-designing and engaging with digital collections and infrastructures: challenges and case Studies’ (University of Darmstadt).
- 14 June 2023, ‘History and the Paradoxes of Digitisation: A Global Perspective’, „Geschichte in der digitalen Gegenwart Geschichtsverständnisse zwischen ‚Postfaktizität’ und neuen Evidenzen”, Leibniz Forschungsverbund „Wert der Vergangenheit” – Jahreskonferenz 2023.
- 28 April 2023, ‘The Digital Archive and the Politics of Digitization’, Research Seminar at the School of Information and Communication Studies (University College Dublin).
- 15 November 2022, ‘ Jewish Studies in the Digital Age’, DHLunch@GS (Department of Germanic Studies, University of Texas, Austin).
- 11-13 July 2022, ‘Jewish Studies and the Politics of Digitisation’, The Politics of Jewish Studies - Workshop at the Heidelberg Center for Jewish Studies (Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg).
- 16-17 June 2022, ‘Jewish History and the Politics of Digitisation’, Digital Humanities Projects –Approaches and Experiences, Workshop at the Federal Institute for Culture and History of Germans in Eastern Europe (BKGE), Oldenburg.
- 1-3 June 2022, Exploring the History of Digital History: Setting an Agenda, DH Benelux 2022 (University of Luxemburg).
- 7-11 March 2022, The Digital Archive and the Politics of Digitisation, DHd2022 - 8. Jahrestagung des Verbands »Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum« (Universität Potsdam).
- 4 October 2021, Keynote lecture Exploring Jewish History in the Digital Age, International Conference What’s New, What’s Next? Innovative Methods, New Sources, and Paradigm Shifts in Jewish Studies (POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw).
- 20 September 2021, ‘Exploring the History of Digital History’, 9th Making of the Humanities Conference, (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona).
- 25 May 2021, ‘Exploring the History of Digital History’, IHR Digital History Seminar (Institute of Historical Research, London).
- 11-12 May 2021, ‘Digital Cultural Heritage and the Politics of Digitisation’, Research and digital cultural heritage: new impact horizons (Europeana Symposium).
- 28 April 2021, ‘The Digital Archive and the Politics of Digitisation’, Edinburgh Centre for Data, Culture & Society (University of Edinburgh).
- 24-27 March 2021, ‘Mapping wartime Jewish diaries and their postwar trajectories’, European Social Science History Conference 2021 (Leiden University).
- 16-17 March 2021, Keynote roundtable discussant, NewsEye International Conference (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris).
- 10 March 2021, ‘The Digital Archive and the Politics of Digitization’, Workshop Digital Archives and Canon (Open University UK, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt).
- 1-3 March 2021, ‘Exploring the History of Digital History’, Tagung Digital History. Konzepte, Methoden und Kritiken digitaler Geschichtswissenschaften (AG Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft im VHD).
- 11-14 January 2021, Moderator roundtable ‘Jewish Studies in the Digital Age’, #DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age (C²DH, Luxembourg).
- 23-25 November 2020, ‘The Helpers of Anne Frank - Recontextualising the Rescue of Dutch Jews’, New Approaches to the Rescue of Jews during the Holocaust: History, Politics, Commemoration (Selma Stern Zentrum Berlin).
- 25-26 September 2020, Keynote lecture ‘The Hybrid Historian: Historical Research in the Digital Age’, Historische Beneluxforschung und Digital History (Universität Münster)
- 12-13 February 2020, ‘The Digital Archive and the Politics of Digitisation’, Digital Past 2020: New technologies in heritage, interpretation and outreach (Aberystwyth Arts Centre).
- 5 February 2020, Moderator roundtable ‘Combating anti-Semitism in contemporary Europe’ at Forum Zeitgeschichte - Holocaust History and Memory (C²DH, Luxembourg).
- 12 September 2019, ‘Digital History and the Politics of Digitization’, DH Benelux 2019 (10-12 September, University of Liège).
- 10 July 2019, ‘Digital History and the Politics of Digitization’, Digital Humanities 2019 (9-12 July, Utrecht University).
- 27 June 2019, Round table ‘Coding Europe: decoding its history’, 9th Tensions of Europe conference. Decoding Europe: Technological Pasts in the Digital Age (University of Luxembourg, 27-30 June 2019).
- 9 May 2019, ‘Doing History in the Digital Age - On Hybridity, Hermeneutics and the Politics of Digitisation’, (Centre for Digital Humanities, University of Groningen).
- 19 February 2019, ‘Der hybride Historiker. Geschichtsforschung im digitalen Zeitalter’, Tagung digitale_kultur. Weltverhältnisse im Wandel (Institut für Geschichte und Biographie FernUniversität in Hagen).
- 26 October 2018, [with John Randolph, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] workshop ‘Strategies for Using Digital Sources in the Classroom’, conference and workshop Digital Hermeneutics in History: Theory and Practice (University of Luxembourg, 25-26 October 2018).
- 28 August 2018, ‘Digital picture archives in historical research and the visual history of education’ (with Lars Wieneke), ISCHE 40 Pre-Conference Workshop Picture Archives and the Emergence of Visual History of Education (Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung, Berlin).
- 15-19 July 2018, Roundtable ‘Humanities in the mirror: writing Jewish history in a digital key’, XIth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies (Krakow, Institute of Jewish Studies, Jagiellonian University).
- 5 April 2018, ‘Jewish Volunteers in the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War’, Twelfth European Social Science History conference (Belfast, 4-6 April 2018).
- ‘Hybrid approaches to historical research: analysing the Anne Frank diaries with digital tools’, dhnord2017 - (De)constructing Digital History (Lille, 27-29 November 2017).
- Closing remarks ‘Engaging New Generations. The Holocaust and Knowledge Dissemination in the Digital Age’, European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) workshop (NIOD, 9 November 2017).
- ‘Hybrid approaches to historical research’, The Ends of the Humanities, University of Luxembourg, 10-13 September 2017.
- Opening remarks ‘Jewish Studies and Digital Humanities, workshop From Tablet to Tablet on Jewish Studies and Digital Humanities, Institute for the History of the German Jews, Hamburg, 4-6 September.
- ‘Hybrid approaches to historical research: analysing the Anne Frank diaries with digital tools’, Digital Humanities Benelux Conference, University of Utrecht, 3-5 July 2017
- ‘East-Central European Jewish heritage online’, session Presenting “difficult” history - Jewish heritage in East-Central Europe, 4th Annual Conference of the International Federation for Public History, Ravenna, Italy., 5-9 June 2017.
- ‘Help, betrayal and the importance of networks – Jews in hiding in the Netherlands and the case of Anne Frank’, 10th Contact Day Jewish Studies on the Low Countries, University of Antwerp, 16 May 2017.
- ‘The diaries of Anne Frank - digital approaches’, lecture Forschungscolloquium Prof.dr. Gerhard Lauer/ CAPS (Computer-based Analysis of Personal Style) Project, Department of German Studies, University of Göttingen, 23 January 2017.
- Keynote lecture ‘From “Chosen Fighters of the Jewish People” to Jewish Resistance Fighters: Jewish Volunteers, the International Brigades and the Spanish Civil War’, conference Jews and the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), Institute of History, Warsaw University, 17 November 2016.
- ‘Help, betrayal and the importance of networks – Jews in hiding in the Netherlands and the case of Anne Frank’, Final Workshop Reappraising the Anne Frank Diaries: Contexts and Receptions, Basel, 8-10 September 2016.
- ‘Jewish responses to anti-Semitism in Paris and London in the late 1930s as European Jewish political history’, Conference Right-Wing Politics and the Rise of Antisemitism in Europe 1935-1941, Center for Holocaust Studies, Institut für Zeitgeschichte Munich, 18-20 February 2016.
- Winter semester 2015-2016, BA seminar Jewish responses to persecution and anti-Semitism in the 20th century, Seminar für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte, Georg-August Universität Göttingen.
- 16 April 2015, ‘Wartime Yiddish Diaries and their postwar trajectories’, Workshop Reappraising the Anne Frank Diaries: Contexts and Receptions, European University Institute, Florence, 15-16 April 2015.
- 13 February 2015, participation in EUI HEC Alumni Public History and Job Market Roundtable, Public History and the Media Workshop, Department of History and Civilization, European University Institute, Florence, 11-13 February 2015.
- 4 February 2015, ‘Analysing and annotating the Anne Frank Diaries’, Fellow Kolloquium Lichtenberg Kolleg, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
- ‘In search of the Jewish freedom fighter: Polish-Jewish volunteers in the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War and its aftermath’, Colloquium of East (-Central) European History, Forschungsstelle Osteuropa an der Universität Bremen (3 December 2013).
- Introductory lecture on the history of digital humanities/ history, workshop Digitale Geschiedenis, toekomst voor de Bedrijfsgeschiedenis?, Stichting Bedrijfsgeschiedenis (Universiteitsmuseum Utrecht, 21 November 2013).
- ‘Jewish volunteers in the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War’, Symposium in honor of Rena Fuks-Mansfeld (Amsterdam, 7 June 2013).
- ‘Digital tools to complex archival sources: Introduction’, Researchmaster Posthumus Institute Leiden: Keys to the Treasure Trove: Sources and Methods for Social and Economic Historians, 17 May 2013.
- Presentation of the Yiddish Sources portal for the 15th conference of the International Association of Yiddish Clubs (Pittsburgh), 26 April 2013.
- ‘Historical sources and data in the digital age’, University of Utrecht Digital Humanities Bootcamp, 14 March 2013.
- several lectures on digital history/humanities as part of a course on digital historical research (Huygens ING and NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, February-June 2013).
- Introductory lecture ‘Digital History’, Digital History Workshop (Huygens ING, 7 January 2013).
- ‘Building an online community for historians in The Netherlands’, Working group Public History Online: Using the Web to Collaborate and Share,_ National Council on Public History Annual Meeting_ (Milwaukee, 18-22 April 2012).
- ‘Digital sources and historical research: European Jewish history as an example’, Utrechts Cultuurhistorisch Seminar (Utrecht University, 12 December 2012).
- ‘Digital tools to complex archival sources: Introduction’, Researchmaster Posthumus Institute Leiden - Keys to the Treasure trove (Huygens ING, 2 December 2011).
- ‘The ‘Jewish freedom fighter’: Constructing a Transnational Cult of Jewish Heroes during the Spanish Civil War’, Cult of Heroes in Central Europe from the 1880s to the Second World War – Transnational and Transdisciplinary Aspects (University of Paris-Sorbonne – Paris, 25-26 November 2011).
- ‘Internet resources for historical research: Jewish content in a broader context’, Judaica Europeana Digital Humanities Workshop (British Library, 31 October 2011).
- ‘Yiddish in contemporary Europe’, Jewishness in Contemporary Culture: American and European Perspectives (Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, 17-18 May, 2011).
- ‘Finding and filtering digital primary sources’ (workshop), THATCamp Florence 2011 (European University Institute, Florence, 23-25 March 2011).
- ‘Naftali Botwin - a Jewish communist hero in interwar Poland’, Cult of Heroes in Central Europe 1880-1939 - Practices and representations (Central European University, Budapest, 12-13 November 2010).
- ‘Jewish migrants and anti-Semitism in Paris and London before WWII’, IX Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies (Ravenna, Italy - 25-29 July 2010).
- ‘Organising knowledge and resources online’ (workshop), THATCamp London 2010 (King’s College London, 6-7 July 2010).
- ‘The politics of digitisation? Exploring online digital sources in Jewish history’, Exploring the archive in the digital age (King’s College London, 6-8 May 2010).
- ‘Transnational dimensions of Jewish political practices in Western Europe before WWII’, 8th European Social Science History Conference (Ghent, Belgium, 13-16 April 2010).
- ‘Jewish Immigrants and Politics in Paris and London in the Interbellum’, Graduate Seminar Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies (University College London, 27 January 2010).
- ‘The Yiddish press as a source in historical research’, Association for Jewish Studies 41st Annual Conference (Los Angeles, December 20-22, 2009).
- Introduction to a screening of Eran Torbiner’s ‘Madrid Before Hanita, Palestinian-Jewish volunteers in the International Brigades in Spain’, _Seminar Film Series on Jewish Resistance _(Sussex University, 23 November 2009).
- ‘The place of Berlin in the transnational networks of Jewish migrant radicals’, _Transforming Berlin’s Urban Space. East European Jewish Migrants in Charlottengrad and the Scheunenviertel, 1918-1939 _(Berlin, Jüdisches Museum, October 17th-19th 2009).
- ‘Contemporary European Jewish history on the internet’, Contemporary history in the digital age (Luxemburg - 15/16 October 2009).
- ‘Migration and the transformation of Jewish political behaviour - East European Jewish communists in Western Europe in the interbellum’, GRACEH 2009: “Migration and Movement in European History” (European University Institute, Florence, 28-30 April 2009).
- ‘Heroes for whose cause? Jewish volunteers and the Spanish Civil War in the Parisian Yiddish Press 1936-1939’, Research Seminar L’Histoire Comparée et les Migrations Contemporaines (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 28 April 2009).
- ‘Jews in the communist movement: Understanding a controversial encounter’, Modern History Seminar (University of Edinburgh, 11 March 2009)
- ‘Jewish Participation in the Spanish Civil War’, Yiddish Graduate Seminar (University College London, 11 February 2009).
- ‘Between propaganda and emancipation: Jewish volunteers in the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War’, UCLA-Utrecht Symposium on Jewish Politics and Political Behavior (Utrecht University, 1 December 2008).